Robotic Laparoscopic Surgery

More than 3 million patients worldwide have benefited from da Vinci® robotic surgery, an advanced laparoscopic surgery technique. At Lifetime Women’s Healthcare, Schubert Atiga, MD, FACOG is proud to offer women in the San Diego area these advanced surgical techniques. If you need gynecological surgical treatment, learn more about the advantages of minimally invasive robotic surgery. Call Lifetime Women’s Healthcare in Chula Vista, California or schedule an appointment online today.

Robotic Laparoscopic Surgery Q & A

What is robotic surgery?

Dr. Atiga has specialized training to perform advanced laparoscopic surgery using the da Vinci Surgical System, a robot-assisted procedure. Using this innovative technology, Dr. Atiga can execute complex surgeries like hysterectomies with just a few small incisions, compared to traditional methods that require large incisions.

The da Vinci Surgical System utilizes four robotic arms with miniaturized wristed instruments and a high-definition 3D camera. These instruments provide greater dexterity, flexibility, and precision than the human hand is capable of, while the camera offers greater visibility of the surgical site.

During a procedure using the da Vinci system, Dr. Atiga performs the surgery at a nearby control console while a second surgeon is at your bedside monitoring your progress. As Dr. Atiga operates, the movements are translated from the control console to the robotic instruments.

What are the benefits of robotic surgery?

Robot-assisted surgeries offer several advantages, including:

  • Faster recovery
  • Shorter hospitalization
  • Less trauma and nerve damage
  • Greater precision and fewer complications
  • Smaller incisions and less bleeding
  • Reduced risk of infection and scarring

The minimally invasive nature of advanced laparoscopic surgery also reduces your post-op pain, so there’s minimal downtime and you won’t be dependant on medication.

What gynecological conditions can robotic surgery treat?

Robotic surgeries can be used to perform a variety of procedures, whether general or specialized. When applied to gynecological conditions, Dr. Atiga might suggest da Vinci Surgery for a range of issues, such as:

  • Cancer
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic prolapse
  • Severe pelvic pain
  • Abnormal bleeding

Dr. Atiga also uses da Vinci to perform myomectomies and hysterectomies. By using this method, he can remove noncancerous growths or your uterus through a small incision to minimize your recovery time.

Is robotic surgery right for everyone?

Most hysterectomies and myomectomies can be performed using robotic or advanced laparoscopic surgery. To see if you’re a good candidate, Dr. Atiga conducts a complete physical exam to evaluate your gynecological condition.

Depending on your gynecological condition and symptoms, Dr. Atiga might also recommend other treatment like medication or traditional surgery using a large incision.

To find out more about robotic surgery and advanced laparoscopy surgery, call Lifetime Women’s Healthcare or schedule an appointment online today.